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Titelbild Krypto-Trading-Bot Chart mit Botfinger

Hop on
and take off!

Fully automated crypto trading bot

No prior knowledge required

Simultaneous trading of 50 contracts

Designed for bullish and bearish markets

Exponential capital development

Dynamic money management

Advanced trading signals

Crazy movements!


Die aktuellen Charts sowie die Schwankungs- und Renditeangaben sind nicht mehr aktuell, da der Jumper derzeit modifiziert wird. Die Website wird in Kürze aktualisiert! Stand: 08.03.2025

Bot trading

The Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO trades up to 50 crypto contracts (USDT perpetuals) at a time and its long and short positions enable it to adapt to both bullish and bearish market conditions. Its calculations and trades are fully automated and its dynamic money management promotes exponential profits. It has a flexible strategy designed for use on the and crypto exchanges and can be connected to them via an API key. All transactions are processed through your own crypto exchange account and you retain full control of your assets at all times. The bot is completely preset and requires no specialist prior knowledge. Simply deposit the required capital in your trading account, connect the bot and get trading!

Contact between human and crypto trading robot
No GRID bot, DCA bot, arbitrage bot or AI bot just trend power!







Money Mgmt.


Crypto exchange

Connection via

Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO

Python / mySQL

Crypto Trend Bot

Long & Short

1x - 5x



API keys


Average return on investment ROI
Average win rate
Average profit factor

- Return p. a. (5x)

- Profit factor (linear)

- Win rate

399.53 %


40.44 %


Crypto exchange

Trading capital (min.)

Bitget /

500 USDT


Trading signals are based on technical non-repainting indicators and filter algorithms and have additional redundancies to ensure failsafe protection. The overall strategy adapts to even the most difficult market situations and prevents liquidations. The recently launched live operation confirms the excellent results of backtesting, which evaluated more than 20,000 trades.           


Anker Der Bot
Reiter grün.png
Anker Contracts


USDT-Logo perpetual contracts swaps
backgroud box 1















backgroud box 2


OKX logo black
















































Portfolio contracts OKX
Portfolio contracts Bitget



backgroud box 3

Note! OKX-Swaps are not available in Europe, the USA and South-Amerika. Please use Bitget instead.

Reiter schwarz.png
Anker Performance


1A 5er Linear.png

2021 to April 2024 (Linear)


The bot’s strategy was developed on the basis of constant trading amounts of 100 USDT per trade. With a profit factor of 1.34 and an average profit rate of 40.44%, the equity curve is steadily moving up the dotted trend line, and remains mostly within the marked corridor. Capital development is largely consistent with moderate drawdowns. With the linear model, the return is limited to approx. 190% per year (5x leverage), but explodes as soon as dynamic money management is applied. The results and differences can be seen in the next diagram. Note the scaling!

1A 5er Expo.png

2021 to April 2024 (EXPO)

Diagramm chart 2021 5x leverage


Diagramm chart 2022 5x leverage


Diagramm chart 2023 5x leverage


Gestrichelte Linien.png


While initial results do not differ significantly from the linear model, the power of dynamic money management becomes clear over the course of only a few months. The impact of compound interest delivers exponential capital growth. With seed capital of 10,000 USDT and 5x leverage, Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO first exceeds the 1 million USDT threshold (see red dot) in backtesting after 28 months, before the next drawdown. This is equivalent to an average annual return of approx. 3,857%. The capital movements are extreme, with spikes and drawdowns alternating at irregular intervals.

+381,50 %

Zooming in on the main chart allows you to see the details of capital development instead of merely a flat line. In the first year alone, the bot generates an almost four-fold return on investmentt.

Number of trades

max. drawdown

max. peak

Initial capital

Final capital


-67,56 %

+1.085,87 %

10.000 USDT
48.150 USDT
+381,50 %

+737,93 %

If first year profit is carried over into the second year and trading con-tinues, this multiplies again, gene-rating a total return of 3,934.64% over two years.


Number of trades


max. drawdown

max. peak

Initial capital

Final capital





-69,22 %

+1.331,74 %

48.150 USDT

403.464 USDT

+737,93 %

+79,17 %

2023 was a very weak year, but even here the capital almost quadrupled at times. We are currently working on a take-profit solution to allow us to skim off these peaks..


Number of trades


max. drawdown

max. peak

Initial capital

Final capital





-60,51 %

+281,24 %

403.464 USDT

722.878 USDT

+79,17 %

Real Data

Realdaten PRO-Lizenz APR-DEZ 2024.png

April to December 2024 (EXPO)

Performance 2024

The chart on the right shows the real trading results of the PRO license on the trading platform. Apart from a few small breakouts in April and the last quarter, it was relatively quiet and the bot moved within its usual fluctuation ranges. We hope that trading activity in the crypto markets will increase soon so that our Trend Jumper can get the market patterns it was designed for. The stronger and more persistent the trends, the better it can play to its strengths. Until then, it will remain on the lookout 24/7, ready for the next breakout.

Reiter grün.png
Anker Money Management

Money management


Money management deals with individual position sizes, how they are measured, if and when they should be increased or decreased, and how to calculate a risk-to-reward ratio that makes sense. It includes the strategic use of leverages and margins and the management of drawdowns, and liquidation and general market risks. Money manage-ment is determined prior to start of trading and is a key factor in successful trading strategies.

Dynamic approach

Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO has a dynamic money management system that doesn’t trade with fixed amounts (linear), but modifies them in line with incoming profits and losses. The amounts per trade are measured as a percentage of the available total capital, meaning that profits develop exponentially and any drawdowns are slowed. Money management adjusts to the leverage in question, in order to achieve optimum results.

Leverage & Liquidations

The bot’s agile trend strategy enables premium users to apply 5x leverage on a permanent basis without incurring liqui-dations. If the bot runs into the red with a position, this position is quickly closed and opened in the opposite direction before it enters the critical liquidation area. Position sizes are precisely coordinated with the necessary cross-margining to ensure high efficiency and low risk.

Dynamic vs. Linear

dynamic vs. static chart

Dynamic (EXPO)   Static (linear)


Screenshot lever comparison.png

1x     3x     5x    7x


Antiproportionaler Draw-Down Dump Chart


The human brain thinks on a linear (pro-portional) basis and has problems grasping dynamic (anti-proportional / exponential) functions. The combination of dynamic money management and leverage makes the bot one of the most impressive leverage instruments on the market. But be warned: The effect works both ways! Many people get cold feet after a big drawdown, but the bot does not get emotionally involved: However quickly things might go downhill with 5x leverage, the capital will explode as soon as the right market movements occur, and the next spike will appear.


Antiproportionaler Spike Peak Chart
Reiter schwarz.png
Anker Angebote

to get started!


Application for STARTER license.png

19 €
(16.25 £)


User group:
Seed capital min.:
Order fee:
     - Fluctuation:
     - Return p. a.: 
Number of contracts:

Money management:


Symbol der Durchschnittsrendite
Symbol der Durchschnittsrendite

500 USDT
-15% to +60%
50 USDT swaps




Application STARTER license

29 €
(24.80 £)


User group:
Seed capital min.:
Order fee:
     - Fluctuation:
     - Return p. a.:
Number of contracts:

Money management:


Symbol der Durchschnittsrendite
Symbol der Durchschnittsrendite

1,000 USDT
-45% to +290%

50 USDT swaps



Antrag PREMIUM-Lizenz_edited_edited_edit

39 €
(33.35 £)


User group:
Seed capital min.:
Order fee:
A - Fluctuation:
A - Return p. a.:
Number of contracts:

Money management:

2,000 USDT
-65% to +650%
50 USDT swaps




Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO setup process

Create a Bitget or Okx
account on

Deposit USDT

trading capital in your trading account




Generate API keys in your trading account


Order a bot license enter the API data and take off!

Important information

All prices include VAT at 19%. All licenses can be canceled monthly. To use the bot, you must be at least 18 years old. Subject to German law. Services and terms of use are governed by our GTC and our privacy policy.

A separate or account is required to run the bot. In Europe you can only use the bot on (new accounts) or on OKX accounts created before 2024. The bot can be connected to this account by means of API keys and will execute trades fully automatically under its trading strategy. Further information on setting up and using the bot is available from our FAQs and our detailed Setup Instructions.

We don’t provide any front end (user interface) that allows you to modify the bot yourself; the strategy is completely predefined. However, you can use the USDT balance stored in your Bitget or OKX trading account to specify the capital with which the bot should trade. The seed capital required depends on the nature of your license. You can track the bot’s trading activity in your Bitget or OKX account. All open and closed trades are displayed and logged here.

Please note that all types of trading involve risk. Only trade with capital you can spare. The risks increase with the level of leverage selected.

Anker FAQ
Circle FAQ Crypto Bot
  • It must be a scam! Are such returns really possible?
    The Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO is the result of years of development work shaped by numerous innovations and reorientations. Conventional strategies proved to be unusable and so we analyzed hundreds of indicators, programmed dozens of strategies and simulated thousands of trades before we developed an algorithm that can now be used with consistent success. The bot’s automated trading takes place exclusively via the users’ personal Bitget or OKX accounts, for which we are not given any deposit or withdrawal authorization. No payments need to be made to dubious or anonymous wallets. We are a company based in Germany with all the associated rights and obligations.
  • Who is the bot suitable for?
    The bot is suitable for all persons of legal age and legal capacity who wish to participate passively in trading with crypto derivatives (crypto leverage trading) and are long-term oriented. Use of the bot should not, of course, break any laws in your country and all other requirements of the GTC must be met too. We offer licenses for beginners (LIMITED license and STARTER license) as well as for advanced traders (PRO license an PREMIUM license).
  • How safe is trading with the bot?
    To secure the bot software and trading signals, redundancies and emergency protocols have been set up on secured servers to compensate for possible signal and server failures. The bot's trading activities are always monitored automatically. In addition, a manual signal comparison takes place several times a day to check that the bot is functioning properly. Note: Please note that despite highly developed and secured systems, every type of trading carries risks.
  • What are the differences between the licenses?
    All licenses are generally based on the same strategy. The main difference lies in the leverages used and the corresponding position sizes. Higher leverages mean larger positions and greater capital fluctuations. This results in larger capital declines during loss phases and greater profits during profit phases. As such, the LIMITED and STARTER licenses are suitable for beginners and risk-averse traders, while the PRO license (5x leverage) is aimed at experienced and risk-loving traders. The PREMIUM license (7x leverage) is only available to selected professional traders on request.
  • How long does it take for the bot to make profits?
    This depends heavily on the market situation and cannot be predicted precisely. The bot is designed for medium and long-term operation. If you enter unfavorably at the start of a draw-down, you may initially incur losses, which then have to be made up again in the following weeks and months. If you get involved at a good time, you can make significant profits in the first few days. You should therefore give the bot enough time to develop its full potential. You can get a good impression of the usual capital development in the graphics under “Progressive Performance".
  • How do I contact customer service?
    The best way to contact customer service is by email at We usually respond within 1-2 working days. The service is not staffed at weekends. Alternatively, you can also use the contact form on our website or call our service number +49 800 - 777 3 500 (free of charge). Customer service is available in German and English.
  • Which coins or contracts does the bot trade?
    The bot only trades the USDT perpetual swap contracts available at or These are not native coins (cryptocurrencies), but derivatives based on cryptocurrencies with leverages, which are traded long or short by the bot depending on the market situation. To ensure sufficient diversification, at least 30 different contracts are included in trading at all times; these are selected by the provider according to performance and other criteria. 50 contracts or so are usually selected for trading.
  • With what amounts does the bot trade?
    The bot calculates its position sizes on the basis of the total available USDT trading capital in your Bitget or OKX trading account. Without leverage, the Jumper initially uses, for each position, between 1/30 and 1/300 of the total capital available. This is equivalent to between 0.33% and 3.33% per trade. With a USDT trading capital of 5,000 USDT, this would be between 16.50 and 166.50 USDT per trade. The position sizes increase when profits are made and decrease when losses are incurred. See the following description of dynamic money management.
  • When does it make sense to withdraw / increase capital?
    It’s usually better to withdrawal capital after strong profit phases and to increase it after heavy loss phases. A popular user technique is to gradually “feed” and “skim” the bot: Here, the trading capital is not paid in all at once, but is added step by step after each major drawdown. Vice versa, small trading amounts are skimmed off during strong spikes. This way, users can skillfully reallocate capital to their own advantage and improve their returns. However, nobody knows when and at what amounts the drawdowns and spikes will end and start changing direction.
  • Is there any additional funding obligation?
    No, there is no additional funding obligation and, due to dynamic money management, there is generally no need for it. The bot is basically designed to manage with the paid-in capital.
  • Can my trading positions be liquidated?
    The Trend Jumper is a trend bot that adapts to the respective market conditions. If the trades start to run into the red, they are closed and usually reopened in the opposite direction. This means that the bot exits the negative positions long before they reach the critical liquidation limits. There are also additional protective measures (stop-loss orders). The liquidation risk is extremely low regardless of the leverage selected.
  • How can I control the bot? Is there a user interface?
    The bot is not intended to be controlled or adjusted by users, as the strategy is completely predefined. You can, however, specify certain things: You can choose which license to purchase depending on the leverage you want and determine the amounts with which the bot should trade based on the trading capital you have paid in. You can decide in which trading phases to add or withdraw capital. Find out more in the FAQ: “When does it make sense to withdraw / increase capital?” Even if there is no separate user interface, you can still follow all trades on your Bitget or OKX interface and even intervene if you want to. You can find out more in the FAQs below.
  • Where can I track trades and view trading logs?
    You can follow the trading history live in your Bitget or OKX account (trading -> futures / perpetual swaps -> positions), where all open positions are displayed. Closed trades are also logged there (trading -> futures / perpetual swaps -> position history).
  • How can I open or close trades manually?
    You have full control over all of the bot’s trading activities in your Bitget or OKX account at all times. You can open or close trades at any time under trading -> perpetual swaps -> positions. Please note, however, that your manual intervention impacts the bot’s trading logic and this can have negative consequences for the trading capital.
  • How can I pause / deactivate the bot?
    If you’re only taking a temporary break, you can move your USDT balance from your Bitget futures or OKX trading account to your Bitget or OKX funding account. The bot only uses the Bitget futures or OKX trading account and doesn’t access the funding or spot account. If you want to deactivate the bot permanently, simply delete the API keys. But be careful! Once the API keys have been deleted/disconnected, the bot can no longer monitor, control or close the trades. You’ll have to close them manually!
  • How does dynamic money management work?
    Dynamic money management automatically reinvests profits and reduces position sizes in the event of losses. The positions are always measured as a percentage of the total capital available. Money management works with an antiproportional function. This leads to steeper profit curves in profit phases and flatter loss curves in loss phases. We have also integrated hedging mechanisms (stop-loss and take-profit orders) to limit losses in the event of sudden price falls and to be able to skim off profits during particularly strong profit phases or reduce their decline in the event of a trend reversal. A special feature is our short slicing algorithm, which gradually increases the shorts when prices fall and reduces them again when prices rise. This gives shorts an additional dynamic element to improve returns and reduce losses.
  • Can my trading positions be liquidated?
    The Trend Jumper is a trend bot that adapts to the respective market conditions. If the trades start to run into the red, they are closed and usually reopened in the opposite direction. This means that the bot exits the negative positions long before they reach the critical liquidation limits. There are also additional protective measures (stop-loss orders). The liquidation risk is extremely low regardless of the leverage selected.
  • What are leverages and what effect do they have?
    Leverages allow you, when trading, to open a position worth more than the capital you invested when you opened the trade. This means that you can multiply your position size by many times your own capital investment. As such, you can carry out larger trades and make greater profits, but also incur higher losses. In practice, leverage is therefore an “amplification instrument” or a “multiplier”. You can find out more about this on and
  • How were the leverages selected?
    Originally, the bot should always use the maximum possible leverage on the trading platforms in order to be able to achieve attractive profits even with small capital. During strategy development, however, it became clear that due to the required margins, trading with leverage greater than 7x does not bring any additional advantages, but does increase the risk of auto-deleveraging (ADL). Trading with leverages less than 7x does not fully utilize the bot's potential. As a “best practice” and with a view to capital fluctuations and user reactions, we have identified the 5x-leverage.
  • Can I freely dispose of my balance?
    Yes. The bot trades with your USDT stablecoins that you’ve paid into your Bitget futures or OKX trading account. In principle, these can be withdrawn at any time in accordance with´s or’s terms and conditions. If parts of the USDT capital are “frozen” or “in use”, this is due to trades that are still open. You can close these manually to release and withdraw the funds.
  • What are drawdowns and spikes and how strong is their impact?
    A drawdown is a decline in capital. Spikes are relatively sudden, large capital increases that form “peaks” in the charts. How far the spikes shoot up or the capital is drawn down is usually measured as a percentage (%). The aim of every trading strategy is to keep drawdowns lower than the preceding spikes in order to achieve positive capital growth in the long term. The greater the leverage, the greater the spikes and drawdowns. The charts (equity curves) on our website give a good idea of this.
  • What is the bot’s strategy?
    The Jumper is a trend bot that adapts to the price developments of the individual traded contracts. It switches between long and short positions according to predefined parameters. The bot’s strategy is designed for comparatively large market movements and medium- to long-term use. It reacts to trend changes with a preset inertia in order to counteract unwanted position changes in the event of short-term market fluctuations. Different contracts are traded at different times. The number of trades executed simultaneously depends on the market movements.
  • Why doesn’t the bot close the trades if they are in the black?
    The bot works with a flexible strategy and not with fixed take-profit orders. It tries to follow the trend to the end, resulting in very different exit times. If the end of the trend is reached, the bot closes the trade as soon as a certain decline in prices is recorded. This way, individual leveraged trades can rise to +300%, +500% or +1,000%.
  • Why are so many trades closed in the red?
    On average, around 2/3 of trades are closed in the red. These are what we call trend breakers. The bot jumps on emerging trends, but if these start to move in the wrong direction, the trades are closed again and losses are incurred. However, if a trend continues, considerable profits can be made within a short period of time. Profit trades are much rarer than loss trades, but the profits tend to be significantly higher. Profit and loss trades are not evenly distributed, but often come in waves.
  • The prices are rising, so why does the bot speculate on falling prices - and vice versa?
    The bot has a delay mechanism to prevent it from changing direction with every small price change. This often looks a little strange, but it makes sense. The optimum delay was calculated on the basis of more than 20,000 simulated trades. The timeframe also plays a role: The price may have risen in the last two hours, but the daily chart shows a downtrend.
  • How long do I have to keep on using it?
    Booked subscriptions can be canceled monthly with one week’s notice. The bot’s strategy is designed for medium- and long-term operation; this means that, although short-term use would be possible, it would be improper. If you start trading at an unfavorable time at the beginning of a drawdown, you may incur losses that will have to be made up in the coming weeks and months. On the other hand, if you start trading at a favorable time, you could make substantial profits in the first few days. Both cases are unpredictable, so you should give the bot enough time to achieve sustainable results.
  • How do I activate the bot / how do I set it up?
    To be able to use the bot, you first need an Bitget or OKX account. You can open one at or and pay your trading capital into it. Next, configure your Bitget or OKX account and create your personal API keys according to our instructions. Then book your preferred license on our website and enter your API keys during the order process. After you’ve placed your order, we’ll connect the bot to your Bitget or OKX account via the API keys. Shortly afterwards we’ll send you a confirmation and the bot will automatically start trading in your Bitget or OKX account. You can follow the trades live in your Bitget or OKX account under trading -> futures / perpetual swaps -> positions.
  • How can I upgrade / downgrade my license?
    Simply send us a message by email or via the contact form. Your license will then be automatically switched over at the start of your next trading month. You won’t need new API keys.
  • How can I cancel my license?
    You can cancel your license at any time taking into account the 7-day notice period to the end of your current trading month. Simply send us a message by email or via the contact form.
  • What fees are charged for using the bot?
    The usage fees depend on the license booked and are made up of the monthly basic fee and the order fees. The order fees are calculated each time a trade is opened and closed based on the leveraged position sizes and settled at the end of the trading month. Bitget and OKX charges their own trading fees, which are automatically deducted from your trades. Bitget´s and OKX’s trading fees have been taken into account and deducted from our charts and return figures.
  • What taxes are incurred for using the bot?
    Tax liability depends on your citizenship and the country in which you have your usual place of residence. Users are responsible for finding out about the tax regulations that apply in their country. As we’re not tax consultants, we’re not licensed to offer tax advice. We recommend asking a licensed tax consultant or the tax office.
  • Why do I see no or hardly any trading activity?
    If the Trend Jumper 2.0 EXPO has been newly connected to your Bitget or OKX account, it takes a while for it to receive trading signals and open the first positions. These positions will grow significantly within a few days. Most trading positions should be built up after 1-2 weeks at the latest. If you don’t see any trades within 1-2 days, please carefully check the settings in your Bitget or OKX account according to our setup instructions. If there is no configuration error, please contact our customer service by email at
  • What can I do if my balance is “frozen” or “in use” on Bitget or OKX?
    If parts of the USDT balance are “frozen” or “in use”, this is due to trades that are still open. You can close these manually to release and withdraw the funds.
  • Why don’t I see any perpetual swaps in the OKX menu under “trade”?
    OKX doesn’t offer certain products in some countries or regions. Due to the local assignment of IP addresses, the functions in the OKX menu are automatically hidden. In Europe we recommend to use a Bitget account to run the bot. If you’ve already booked a Trend Jumper license but are unable to use it due to the restrictions, please cancel your booking by email or via the contact form. Any fees already paid will be refunded.
  • Why were all trades suddenly closed?
    In periods where we anticipate particularly high volatility, we occasionally pause the bot to minimize risk. We take this protective measure especially during the US Federal Reserve’s FOMC meetings. The interruption usually lasts 24-36 hours, after which the bot is automatically reactivated. In rare cases, trades are also temporarily closed during updates. These updates usually only last a few minutes and are scheduled so that they generally don’t affect trading. No action is required on your part here either.


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